Privacy Policy

Our digital web service, accessible through the Tap2Card application for Apple and Android, as online platform (referred to as the "Platform"), empowers users to share curated links and content on personalized pages.

This Privacy Policy aims to inform users and visitors about our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information for those accessing our Platform. By utilizing our Platform, you implicitly agree to the collection and use of information as outlined in this policy.

We collect personal information to enhance and optimize our Platform, and we do not share your information with any third parties except as specified in this Privacy Policy. Your personal information is not sold.


  • Personal Data: Information that identifies, relates to, describes, can be associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a specific user.

  • Processing: Any operation or set of operations performed on your personal data by our Platform, such as collection, storage, and deletion.

  • Cookies: Small data files often used as anonymous unique identifiers sent to your browser from visited websites and stored on your device's internal memory. You can instruct your browser to refuse cookies, but doing so may affect your ability to use certain features of our Platform.

Information Processing

We adhere to the following data processing principles:

  • Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency: Complying with the law, processing personal data as expected, and maintaining transparency about our data protection practices.

  • Purpose limitation: Processing personal data solely for the purpose it was collected.

  • Data minimization: Processing no more data than necessary.

  • Accuracy: Ensuring personal data is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Storage limitation: Retaining personal data only as long as required.

  • Integrity and confidentiality: Processing personal data securely and diligently.

We store voluntarily provided personal data, including email addresses, hashed passwords, feedback, page information, and subscription details. General log data, such as browser details, timestamps, and referring page information, is generated for site maintenance. Non-personally identifying data, like aggregated daily page views and link click counts, is stored on our servers.

Data is collected through general Platform use and third-party services like Facebook Pixel. We use trusted third-party service providers for payments and support, ensuring the confidentiality of information.We do not sell or trade personally identifiable information or any other user related information.

In specific cases, we may disclose personal data when required by law or to protect our legal rights.

Data Processing Reasons

We process data for the following reasons:

  • Consent: Obtained in a GDPR-compliant manner.

  • Contract: Required to fulfill a contract.

  • Legal obligation: Processing required to comply with the law.

  • Vital interests: Necessary to protect someone's life.

  • Public task: Necessary for a task in the public interest.

  • Legitimate interests: Deemed necessary following a Legitimate Interests Assessment.

Data not explicitly removed or replaced by the user is typically stored for the account or page's duration. Deleted pages and accounts remain stored in an inactive state for a brief period before permanent removal from our system. You can request immediate data removal by contacting us at

Service Providers

Payments: Our Platform provides subscription-based services with payments processed by Paypal and/or Stripe, which collect device-identifying information for fraudulent payment detection. Review their Privacy Policy for more details.

Access Rights

As a consumer, according to the CCPA, you have the right to request personal data stored on our Platform. This includes information we collect, its usage, and the third-party service providers we employ.

You have the right to request deletion of personal data, with exceptions as outlined.

You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising these rights.

Under GDPR, you have various rights concerning your data.

To exercise any of these rights, contact us at, and we will respond promptly.


We have implemented measures to secure personal data, but no internet transmission method can guarantee absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

Our Platform frequently links to third-party websites. We advise reviewing their Privacy Policy, as we have no control over their content, privacy policies, or practices.

Children's Privacy

Our Platform does not address anyone under 13 years of age. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal data, we will promptly remove it.

Privacy Policy Changes

We may update our Privacy Policy periodically. Changes are effective immediately after being posted, with the updated date noted on this page.

Contact Us

For questions or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, contact us at